For a long time, I've written under the name B.C. Friday.
For me, B.C. Friday represents so much more than just me. It's my subtle way of taking the credit out of my hands. B.C. Friday is the culmination of every character that got even the briefest of cameos in one of my stories, God's generous blessing to me of a glimpse into these characters' lives, and, finally, little me, translating it all into a form you people can actually read.
I'll admit, while this last reason sounds really good, I honestly started using a pseudonym because I'm a superstitious drama queen. However, that doesn't change the fact that this post ex facto reasoning is the reason I continue to use a pseudonym. I tried to quit using it, and it just felt wrong.
I felt like a traitor.
So, out of gratitude to God for giving me the opportunity to glance into someone else's life if only for a moment, and in honor of every person who ended up in a life interesting enough for me to enjoy, I will continue to write under the name B.C. Friday.
It's the least I can do.