Saturday, May 21, 2011

Apocalyptic Summer

Well, despite what many people believed, foretold, and promoted, I'm still here to be unable to sleep even in light of the fact that I will be leaving for camp in five hours.  I must personally confess myself disappointed.  I was told that the rapture would come and I haven't seen a single dinosaur all day!!!

All kidding aside, though, I can't help but feel sorry for those that believed this was going to happen.  One of two things has to be going through their minds right now.  Either they are extremely embarrassed and disappointed that they were wrong, or they are a little concerned.  Think about it, if they still believe Christ came back today and brought all true believers with him to heaven, their continued presence on Earth would suggest that they were left behind.  Either way, that's some faith-shattering stuff!

I once read a quote from Martin Luther saying something along the lines of, "reason is the devil's whore."  This is one of many points of contention I have with Luther.  Sometimes reason is an important and powerful tool.  Prime example:  the rapture.

I finally heard how this guy came to his conclusion.  Basically he rectally derived several numbers, multiplied them together, and squared the result.  He then came to the conclusion that that was the number of days since Jesus's crucifixion until his return.  He also somehow found out that Jesus was crucified on April 1, 33.  I suspect that this date was also rectally derived.

Whether the rapture happened or not and whether or not the apocalypse has begun (in which case we are all doomed to endure about five months of pain and suffering before the world actually ends), I will be departing for camp in a few hours.  In light of the lack of internet availability, my blog will be becoming a weekly updated event.  My current plan is to update my blog at least once on the weekends.

If the apocalypse has begun, good luck to you all.  If you see or hear word of zombies, I highly recommend you head south.  Canadians have been waiting for the zombiepocalypse for years.  They are cold heartless monsters with no regard for human life who have been lulling us into a false sense of security with their cute little "eh"s and funny accents.  ;)

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