Tuesday, November 6, 2012

My Obligatory Election Post

I'm trying to write a Christmas puppet show for my church and I hit a writer's block on the last scene, so I figure I may as well get my obligatory election post out of the way.

Let me just take care of this now since I'm talking politics:  ACHOO!

To be honest, I don't know who's winning right now.  I do know that the last time I checked the CNN website, Romney had the popular vote, but Obama was winning the election.  Thank you electoral college.  You are what's wrong with America.  Whoever ends up winning, I don't really care.

As far as I can tell, our government is set up to slow down change as much as possible.  Whoever wins, by the time they've managed to put any legislation through, it'll have been talked to death and resuscitated so many times that most of us will just be happy the debates over it are done.  Moreover, the president is mostly for giving speeches.  Both these guys have shown that they can do that, so, you know, there it is.

This pretty much seems to sum up this election:
Epic Rap Battles of History: Obama vs Romney
I'm pretty sure Lincoln won that one.  No surprise.  He already beat Chuck Norris in a rap battle.  The fact that this race has come down to choosing between "the shiniest of two turds" is the result of our two party system.  I think parties can even make it worse for their own candidate.  Republicans make me not want to vote for Romney and Democrats make me not want to vote for Obama.  Without political parties, we would at least get to choose between the shiniest of three or four turds.

Here's my view of politics in three simple words:  less is more.

I don't like the government to be intervening in every aspect of my life.  I'm far more a capitalist than a socialist.  You want your government to pay for all your needs?  Make enough money to buy your own country.  I also don't think it's the government's job to enforce much of a moral code.  Keep people from killing each other, sure.  But on gray areas where we can't agree, I say leave it to people to decide.

Wonder Woman gave me the best perspective on this I've heard yet.  We were talking about abortion and she said that she doesn't agree with abortion, but it isn't the government's place to enforce that moral code.  I completely agree with this!  I think it's wrong to cheat on you spouse, but that doesn't mean the government should fine you for adultery.  I think it's wrong to stand outside the SUB and tell people their going to Hell.  That doesn't mean it's the government's responsibility to shut them up.  When the government starts enforcing a particular extreme of a moral gray area, we are one step closer to the government that instigated WWII.

I'm done ranting on the government, so I'll sum it up.  I don't think the government should be paying for health care.  For anyone.  I think health care should be viewed as a service provided by individuals or companies.  I don't think America should be intervening in other country's governments.  How arrogant of us is it that we think we've perfected human government?  I think tax money should go to protecting citizens.  By that I mean minimalistic.  Have an army as an intimidation factor to other countries.  Have law enforcement to protect citizens from each other.  Don't pay politicians.  EVER.

Just imagine for a moment, if you will, a country run only by those who care enough to perform those duties on a volunteer basis.  More importantly, imagine a country where the people who make the laws must follow the laws.

Regardless of your views or mine on politics, what today really comes down to is voting.

I've heard over and over again people telling others that they need to vote if they are able.  "It doesn't matter who you vote for, as long as you vote."  I'm sorry to offend you, but I don't think everyone who CAN vote SHOULD vote.

Allow me to explain.

I believe that if you are educated on the issues and the candidates, you have a moral obligation to vote.  ESPECIALLY if you feel strongly one way or the other.  However, on the other hand, I think that if you don't actually know what each candidate stands for or you don't know what's going on the country and you are voting just for the sake of voting, I believe you have a moral obligation NOT to vote.

Democracy is a form of government walking an extremely fine line.  The word was intended to mean "rule by the people".  However, even back in ancient Athenian times, people were referring to democracy as "rule by the mob".  When we form together and join the group behind a candidate just for the sake of exercising our right to vote, we fall solidly into being ruled by mobs.  If you don't know what a candidate stands for, how can you say you support them?

I will be honest.  I didn't vote.

I consider myself fairly educated on issues, but I honestly don't care about the role of the president enough to get educated on their platforms.  As such, if I were to vote for either Obama or Romney for president, I would consider myself to be slapping the American political system in the face, and if you don't vote for one of those two, thanks to political parties, your vote is a complete waste.  I hope to someday care enough to get educated, but right now, I don't.  Either candidate will do things that will make me hate them, because I have problems with authority.  Hazards of being a middle child.  (Check the statistics!  Their fun!)

If you are passionate toward either candidate, you are betraying yourself, the system, and America by not voting.  If you are uneducated or honestly don't care, you are betraying yourself, the system, and America by voting.

Vote.  Don't vote.

Vote for Obama.  Vote for Romney.

In the end, the world is gone in 45 days anyway.


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UPDATE (like, 3 seconds later):

I'm not a big fan of drama queens freaking out thinking that things are going to suddenly drastically change, but they are NOTHING compared to what I just read.

Dear Facebook user, comments such as "take a step back and fuck your own face" directed at people simply for preferring one candidate over the other are NEVER acceptable.  That right there is the reason people hate politics, avoid them, and don't vote.  I sincerely hope the person who posted that is reading this.  You are being childish.  You are being rude on the deepest possible level I can imagine.  There is absolutely no reason to say things like that in a civilized setting.

Have a molecule of class, would you?

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