Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Glass Houses

Oh, Facebook.  How you keep our lives interesting.

Some people have developed a habit of plastering their entire life on the internet.  For some reason, the rest of us have developed a habit of actually wasting our time reading about this.  Personally, I have developed what I can only describe as an addiction to Facebook, as I'm sure many others have.

The main problem with posting your life's story on the internet is that your life's story is on the internet.
"People who live in glass houses should not throw stones."  Old Unsourceable Advice
This really makes a lot of sense if you think about it.  If people who live in glass houses risk throwing stones, they risk them being thrown back at them.  If one of these stones happens to hit their house, it will shatter.  To translate the analogy, if people that are in the public eye risk having issues with people, they risk losing their home and livelihood.

While most people that I pay attention to on Facebook are not in the general public eye, you can still force this analogy upon them.  These people do not live in glass houses, but the internet is allowing them to build ever larger windows.  These people are then standing in front of these windows, risking its destruction with their quarrels.  At the very least, they are risking a drafty house.

While it's not an advisable thing to allow yourself to build such large windows, by taking the time to read all of these people's posts, you have given them the materials with which they can build these windows.  You then also risk the neighbors finding out about anything you happen to do in their metaphorical house.

I would love to tell you that this whole analogy is leading to some deep meaningful critique of humanity.  I would love to tell you that I was going to tell you some great philosophical realization I had come to.  Unfortunately, this is more of an FYI post.

My message here is pretty simple:

I don't know why I'm so interested in the useless crap you post on Facebook, but I can't quit reading it.  While all of the couple drama is interesting, I don't understand why you feel it is advisable to work that stuff out on Facebook.  It's kinda funny, but personally, I wouldn't want people to know all of my drama.  (Just the really juicy stuff.)

On a semi-related note, is it really so hard to just use proper grammar?  I mean, really?

TyPeEnG lYk DiS iZ nT qT.  nneeiitthheerr iiss tthhiiss.

It's really just annoying.

1 comment:

  1. "These people do not live in glass houses, but the internet is allowing them to build ever larger windows"
    I do not know why but this particular sentence stood out to me. It is, I believe, one of the best ways I have ever heard the thought of sharing ones life on the internet and its repercussions.

    by the way, same person as jesusfreak, i just changed the username.
