Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Lack of Inspiration

If you haven't noticed, there have been several days that I have missed or that I posted something distinctly uninsightful.  There is a very simple reason for that.  Sometimes, I am simply functioning on little to no inspiration.  Today happens to be one of those days.

I have pondered many ways of remedying this situation.  If you haven't noticed, I haven't settled on one that works, or I would never have posted this.  I have, however, basically determined that I need one of two things.  I either need some kind of gimmick that I can pull off the shelf on uninspired days (such as an ongoing story or some clever thing that most people would base their entire blog on) or a stock list of topics that I can fall back on.

I, however, cannot seem to figure anything out, so I'm asking for your help.  That's right.  I'm talking to YOU!  I need one of three things from you:
  • Characters and a setting from which to launch a story
  • Topics you would be interested in reading about
  • Some other brilliant idea
I would appreciate any input on this.  If you have suggestions for any of the above, please either comment on this post, let me know through Facebook, or email me at veebjamn@yahoo.com.

I once read a conspiracy that people do posts like this simply to see if people are actually reading their blog or to try to sucker people into making their blog more popular.  I would like to formally debunk the first theory as Blogspot is so kind to me as to give me details about people looking at my blog that would frighten you (e.g. the browser you use, your operating system, what link brought you here).  As for the second one, I have no way of debunking that, but wouldn't it be brilliant if I had come up with something like that?

Speaking of conspiracies, look up the movie "Anonymous".  It's coming out soon and it's about the theory that William Shakespeare did not actually write his plays.  It looks really good.  (That was my shameless plug of the week.)

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