Monday, April 4, 2011

Miles to Go

Today, I was looking through my favorite webcomic, xkcd, and I came across one I had read several times before, and have always loved:

It's funny because it is SO true!  If nothing else, it should let you look at things in a different way.  (Which is really one of my main reasons for writing this blog.)  My personal view on dreaming is a little more focused than that.  For me, dreaming is one of the means by which I measure the quality of my sleep.

Experts say that everyone dreams several times a night, but only remember a few if any.  For me, there tends to be a correlation between the amount of dreams I can remember and the quality of sleep I got that night.  The more dreams I can remember, the worse the sleep was and vice versa.

While experts have not managed to tell us what causes dreams, many people believe that they reveal something about your innermost thoughts and feelings.  Personally, I think it's your brain trying to make sense of the random signals it's dealing with while it reshuffles and attempts to reorganize things.  That sounds all scientific and fancy, so I'm gonna stick with that.

Whatever the cause of dreams may be, I've been having a lot of them lately.  I don't remember them now (as exemplified by another xkcd comic: Every Damn Morning), but they have been prolific.  As I have told you already, this also means that I'm not getting very good sleep.  While scientists have mastered hundreds of possible explanations of this, I hold to a simple one:  too much thinking, not enough doing.

Lately, I have been spending way too much time alone with my thoughts.  This can never end well.  It's times like that that cause me to end up with some of the deeper, more mentally stimulating posts that I have put up here.  It also results in crazy things such as a deep, intricate story surrounding the ancient Greek gods as aliens with all kinds of awesome technology.  I mean, it's quite impressive.  It's full of intrigue and betrayel and will likely never be seen, heard, or read by anyone simply because it all exists in my head, and I don't expect myself to ever really write it down.  Sorry.

My hope is that either some good comes from my lack of sleep, such as a meaningful post or a great story that people can read, or that I will quit remembering my dreams.
"The woods are lovely, dark, and deep.  But I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep."  -Robert Frost
I'm starting to think that man just had a thing for woods, but I'll talk about that some other time.  For now, I'm just going to try to sleep.

I hope I don't have miles to go first.

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